
Bryan and DJ play chess Bryan and DJ play chess

capture locationCoC commons area

Bryan and DJ play chess, with bounced flash Bryan and DJ play chess, with bounced flash

capture locationCoC commons area

yjfc yjfc

yjfc yjfc

yjfc yjfc

yjfc yjfc

yjfc yjfc

yjfc flourescent yjfc flourescent

yjfc flourescent yjfc flourescent

yjfc yjfc

yjfc yjfc

yjfc yjfc

Wednesday night prayer Wednesday night prayer

descriptionThe group that meets in the area I courtyard for Wednesday night prayer was out and about.
capture locationon the steps, by Harrison dorm

Chris Scott AHRI Chris Scott AHRI

Chris Scott AHRI Chris Scott AHRI

Megan Megan

subjectsMegan Applegate

Megan fill Megan fill

subjectsMegan Applegate

Megan fill Megan fill

subjectsMegan Applegate

Tim Tim

subjectsTim Jackson
capture locationMTH 211

Atlantic Atlantic

atlantic atlantic

atlantic atlantic

atlantic atlantic

softball softball

Charles Charles

subjectsCharles Frey

softball atlantic softball atlantic

softball atlantic softball atlantic

Women's softball field, The Atlantic, and midtown Atlanta Women's softball field, The Atlantic, and midtown Atlanta

capture locationon hill behind TV station above softball field