Dijon Bastille day fireworks

Bastille day is taken seriously all over France, as it should be. They're free from the tyranny of government now, aren't they? Anyways, when I was visiting Morgan in Dijon we went with some of her friends from the program there to see the Bastille day fireworks down by lac Kir, a lake in the western portion of Dijon. The only thing that my camera really scores poorly on in its class in digital camera ratings is low-light photography, which isn't surprising considering the point-and-shoot nature and small lens. In any case, it got a few good shots. The fireworks lasted for about 45 minutes, constantly. It was the longest show I've ever seen in my life.

One of the most beautiful aspects of this show to me was how close we were to the fireworks and how high we were. If you read the Dijon trip log you can see where we were situated, on the hill overlooking the lake right next to where things were being launched. Thus, we were about half as high as the explosions were compared to the lake, making the viewing very comfortable and different than what I'm used to (which is staring straight up for 20 minutes). The grade finale actually filled up my field of view -- I had to turn my head to see all of the fireworks going off at any given time. This was significantly more impressive than I remember the stuff being back home.
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